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Showing posts from December, 2023

4 Free Open-Source Markdown Editors for Windows 11

Markdown has become a popular choice for writers and content creators due to its simplicity and flexibility. Whether you're writing blog posts, documentation, or notes, having the right Markdown editor can greatly enhance your writing experience.  Overview 1. Visual Studio Code Author Uses -- Visual Studio Code provides syntax highlighting, live preview, custom themes, and seamless export options for Markdown writing. 2. Typora Typora offers live preview, distraction-free mode, and seamless export options for Markdown writing. 3. Mark Text Mark Text includes syntax highlighting, custom themes, and distraction-free mode for Markdown writing. 4. Ghostwriter Ghostwriter features live preview, distraction-free mode, and seamless export options for Markdown writing. Features 1. Visual Studio Code Image from Syntax Highlighting : Visual Studio Code provides syntax highlighting for Markdown, making it easier to write and edit Markdown documents with color-coded

Introduction to 'Living Without Adobe': My Journey Begins

Embracing Change in a Designer's World Welcome to the inaugural article of my blog series, "Living Without Adobe." As a seasoned graphic designer, I've been tethered to Adobe Creative Cloud's suite of applications for the better part of my career. Adobe has been synonymous with graphic design, a beacon in the creative industry. But times are changing, and so am I. In this series, I'll take you through my personal journey of transitioning away from Adobe CC. I'll explore the challenges, the triumphs, and everything in between. This isn't just a series of reviews or tutorials; it's a chronicle of adaptation, learning, and perhaps a bit of unlearning. Photo by Emily Bernal on Unsplash The Catalyst for Change: Cost and Performance Why, you might ask, am I choosing to break away from such a foundational element of my professional toolkit? The answer lies in two major factors: the high cost and the increasingly apparent performance issues. Adobe's s