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4 Free Open-Source Markdown Editors for Windows 11

Markdown has become a popular choice for writers and content creators due to its simplicity and flexibility. Whether you're writing blog posts, documentation, or notes, having the right Markdown editor can greatly enhance your writing experience.  Overview 1. Visual Studio Code Author Uses -- Visual Studio Code provides syntax highlighting, live preview, custom themes, and seamless export options for Markdown writing. 2. Typora Typora offers live preview, distraction-free mode, and seamless export options for Markdown writing. 3. Mark Text Mark Text includes syntax highlighting, custom themes, and distraction-free mode for Markdown writing. 4. Ghostwriter Ghostwriter features live preview, distraction-free mode, and seamless export options for Markdown writing. Features 1. Visual Studio Code Image from Syntax Highlighting : Visual Studio Code provides syntax highlighting for Markdown, making it easier to write and edit Markdown documents with color-coded

5 Free and AI Models for Beginners

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has revolutionized various fields, from natural language processing to image synthesis. In this blog post, we'll delve into the features of five prominent AI models and explore their applications in different domains.


1. ChatGPT

Conversational AI and text generation with Transformer-based architecture and pretrained models.

2. Copilot

Image Making -- Code generation and programming assistance leveraging Transformer-based architecture with 12 billion parameters.

3. Gemini

Text-to-image synthesis and creative content creation powered by Text-to-Image architecture with 175 billion parameters.

4. Firefly

Image Making -- Creative content generation and storytelling facilitated by GPT-based architecture with pretrained models.

5. Clova X

Eastern Based -- Conversational AI and voice assistants enabled by Transformer-based architecture with pretrained models.


1. ChatGPT

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ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a state-of-the-art conversational AI model based on the Transformer architecture. With its vast number of parameters ranging from hundreds of millions to billions, ChatGPT excels in generating human-like text responses and understanding natural language queries. Its pretrained models allow for quick deployment in various chatbot applications, customer support systems, and virtual assistants.

  • Architecture: Transformer-based
  • Parameters: Hundreds of millions to billions
  • Pretrained Models: Yes
  • Applications: Conversational AI, text generation, language understanding

2. Copilot

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Copilot, a collaboration between GitHub and Microsoft, is a groundbreaking AI-powered code generation tool. Built on a Transformer-based architecture with 12 billion parameters, GitHub Copilot leverages pretrained models to assist developers in writing code more efficiently. By analyzing code patterns and context, Copilot suggests code completions, generates function implementations, and provides real-time programming assistance within integrated development environments (IDEs).

  • Architecture: Transformer-based
  • Parameters: 12 billion
  • Pretrained Models: Yes
  • Applications: Code generation, programming assistance

3. Gemini

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Gemini, another creation from OpenAI, takes a unique approach by combining text-to-image synthesis with a massive Transformer-based architecture comprising 175 billion parameters. This model pushes the boundaries of AI creativity by generating high-quality images from textual descriptions. Gemini's pretrained models enable users to create stunning visuals, illustrations, and artwork directly from text inputs, unlocking new possibilities in creative content generation.

  • Architecture: Text-to-Image
  • Parameters: 175 billion
  • Pretrained Models: Yes
  • Applications: Text-to-image synthesis, creative content creation

4. Firefly

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Firefly, developed by OpenAI, is a GPT-based AI model specifically designed for creative content generation and storytelling. While details about its parameters remain undisclosed, Firefly's capabilities include crafting engaging narratives, generating imaginative storylines, and producing compelling textual content. With pretrained models at its disposal, Firefly sparks creativity and fuels inspiration for writers, content creators, and storytellers.

  • Architecture: GPT-based
  • Parameters: Unknown
  • Pretrained Models: Yes
  • Applications: Creative content generation, story writing

5. Clova X

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Clova X, developed by Naver Corporation, is a Transformer-based AI model tailored for conversational AI and voice assistants. While specific details about its parameters are not available, Clova X leverages pretrained models to understand natural language queries, engage in dialogue, and provide intelligent responses. With applications in voice-activated devices, smart assistants, and customer service chatbots, Clova X aims to enhance user interactions and streamline communication.

  • Architecture: Transformer-based
  • Parameters: Unknown
  • Pretrained Models: Yes
  • Applications: Conversational AI, voice assistants



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